What is the financial service outsourcing Financial service outsourcing refers to financial enterprise continued to outsourcing service providers (can be a branches of organization or an Entity group) to accomplish the business which have to accomplished by themselves. Outsourcing service can be a part of outsourcing service or provider transfer to another service provider. ("Subcontract").
The first case of financial service outsourcing On the Spt of 2006, Digital China had contracted with Yellow river rural commercial bank. This is the first financial outsourcing program in dominate China. The contract runs 5 and a half year. During this period, digital China will supervise the program include made card bank card, Bank card system construction, call center, bank card system card, bank card business training, institution building of the bank card, bank card transaction processing, bank card errors account processing, 200 ATM distributing and 200 POS terminal built. And other bank card involved programs. The contract indicated that the profit from bank card involved programs all will belongs to Digital China. The bank card system, ATM, POS, will returns to Yellow river rural commercial bank until the contract end.

International development trend Financial institutions have their business outsourced for many years. For example, since 1970, in order to save cost, the financial institutions in securities industry have some quasi routine business (such as print and storage record, etc.) outsourced. In twentieth century, from the 1980s to 1990s, due to the cost factors and upgrade in technology, outsourcing trade has grown to considerable scale and involves the entire IT industry. Afterwards, outsourcing appears in the human resources and many other strategic areas. Over the same period, there is a new form called "business process outsourcing (BPO)", which is a kind of end - to - end commercial chain outsourcing. In BPO, the relationship between financial institutions and service providers has transformed from traditional services providing into a strategic cooperation. Another trend of outsourcing is "off-shore", which means to have business outsourced overseas. Many multinational companies try to establish offshore trading and service center to improve the efficiency of the whole mechanism. Financial institutions not only have their business outsourced by service provider, but also put some business to overseas subsidiary to complete. Table 1 lists some financial institutions and their staff size, which have the outsourcing business in India.

In China, BPO develops mainly in six cities: Dalian, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xi’an.
